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Our Story


At Hitoshin, we are a team of young professionals enthusiastic about holistic health. Our journey began over a decade ago working with traditional herbal medicine. Bringing awareness and helping many people worldwide, supporting them in achieving their health goals.

Seeking to provide the best synergistically composed supplements, we often came to a dead-end. The need for certain ingredients was enhanced by one of our founding members’ mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This resulted in the development of a unique formula to support slowing the progression of the disease. Eventually, this led to the expansion of our range, and the beginning of the Hitoshin mission – delivering the most effective, highest quality, and revolutionary botanical supplements.

Sourcing the highest quality ingredients resulted in finding the top manufacturers worldwide. Combining the knowledge of both science and tradition, such as Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, our products work synergistically and have unique extraction methods.

At Hitoshin, we are dedicated to the health and healing of all people in the most holistic, effective, and natural way. We are here to fully equip you on that journey, encouraging you to make the right decisions today that your future self will thank you for.
Good Health is a Journey.
And we are both honoured and delighted to support you on this path.

Take care of your body.


It’s the only place you have to live.

– J. Rohn

Our Mission Is To Support Your Journey Towards Optimum Health
Synergy optimises BioAvailability

The online supplement market is full of single-ingredient-based formulae. Despite some products being highly concentrated, if the body is not
able to absorb the bioactive compounds, a high percentage of these products will be flushed through the system.

Creating a synergy by combining different ingredients, one ingredient will naturally boost the effectiveness and absorption of the bioactive compounds of the other, and vice versa. It is this carefully composed combination of minerals, vitamins and medicinal compounds that unlocks the true healing and health benefits of any botanical.
In summary, this is exactly what makes our supplements revolutionary – using groundbreaking innovative extraction methods to create synergistically composed formulae, increasing the effectiveness of the bioactive
compounds – creating outstanding bioavailability.

Hitoshin: Here to Help

Hitoshin means Human Heart in Japanese. Our mission began with a sincere dedication to holistic health, supporting others, and helping a dearly beloved family member (re)gain optimum health and vitality. At its core Hitoshin continues and extends this dedication to all; as such, you will find this approach in every little detail of our products, from base ingredients to packaging.

We operate from the heart, offering a helping hand in the quest to optimise your health and overall quality of life.

At Hitoshin we maintain consistency when keeping up with all the latest scientific research and technology regarding our supplements and are always eager to incorporate the latest innovations.

Not sure what’s important when choosing a supplement? Believe us, we have been there. We know the frustration of finding many suppliers and not being able to distinguish which products work, and why. At Hitoshin we have compiled all of the information you need to know in one easy click or to our support team.

How it’s going: optimum health naturally available for all

Our mission is to further explore and unlock Nature’s powerful healing potential for the betterment of all. We envision a world where healthy living and dignified ageing becomes standard. Radiant health and optimum vitality at all stages of life should be accessible to everyone.

Hitoshin began with the love and determination to help others and keep our loved ones healthy. This ethos remains present in every detail of the organisation. From our 100% natural base ingredients to our unique biophotonic glass packaging, and support team, we guarantee premium quality products. Our revolutionary botanical supplements are here to stay, becoming the standard for long term natural healing.

We are thrilled to be on this lifelong journey towards optimum health and we welcome you to join us.

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